Physiotherapy Munich:
Become mobile and agile again
Your practice for physiotherapy & physiotherapy in Munich. We treat posture problems and damage to the musculoskeletal system.
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Physiotherapy uses passive and active exercises to alleviate or cure illnesses. The improved mobility is performed either by the therapist or the patient themselves. Depending on the symptoms and findings, certain techniques such as manual therapy, Cyriax, Brunkow or sling table treatment are used. Preventive, curative and rehabilitative methods exist in physiotherapy to improve, prevent or eliminate the restriction of bodily functions. In this way, healing processes can be initiated and physical abnormalities corrected. Patients learn “correct” movement sequences in physiotherapy, so it is often suitable as an adequate replacement and supplement to surgical or drug treatments.

In practice, the main focus is on mobility and an appropriate diagnosis by the doctor. The physiotherapist determines possible muscle tension, joint blockages or changes in the connective tissue by palpation. An individual treatment concept then determines the further course of therapy. The special exercise program is designed to improve, maintain or restore physical condition.
In this way, for example, unstable joints are strengthened or incorrect behavior is recognized and corrected in everyday life. The aim is to eliminate stressful movement restrictions using thermal stimuli, massages, hydrotherapy and electrotherapy, among other things. These are primarily effective due to the stimulus-response principle and long-term conditioning of the muscles. In the physiotherapy process, each treatment is tailored to the individual disorder, a therapy plan is developed and goals such as pain relief, endurance improvement or improved circulation are defined. Which different methods are used in practice depends on the medical diagnosis and the initial treatment by the therapist.
Disease patterns
Physiotherapy Munich offers numerous areas of application in different areas of complaint. Physiotherapy is used in traumatology, orthopaedics and surgery to treat disorders of the musculoskeletal system. From an orthopaedic point of view, these are
- Torn ligaments, muscles and tendons
- Inflammatory joint diseases
- Joint operations and replacements
- Broken bones
- Osteoarthritis (joint wear and tear)
- Accidents, sports injuries
- Osteoporosis
After spontaneous injuries, physiotherapy is used for acute initial treatment and rehabilitation. During the rehabilitation phase, various devices support the physiotherapy to stabilize the muscles and build up strength. These targeted methods are intended to promote mobility, improve blood circulation and thus accelerate the healing process.
Physiotherapy in Munich also enables positive progress to be made in the area of the central nervous system, the peripheral nerves, the spinal cord and the brain. If incorrect movement development already occurs in childhood, it is advisable to promote and support this through physiotherapy measures. In adulthood, degenerative diseases or serious injuries cause corresponding damage. Physiotherapy provides active support for patients who have suffered a stroke, Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis, damage to the spinal cord (paraplegia) or injured nerves and subsequent symptoms of paralysis.
Chronic diseases often require lifelong or at least long-term therapy. In such cases, we provide patients with a wide range of assistance for coping with everyday life and provide valuable information on the use of aids.
Diseases of the internal organs also require therapy, such as
- venous or arterial vascular diseases
- Diseases of the respiratory organs (lung disease, asthma)
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract
- Diseases of the urinary, kidney and reproductive organs
- Cancer diseases
The professional use of physiotherapy carries hardly any risks for patients. Depending on your individual reaction and sensitivity, certain applications may cause sensitivity disorders. In most cases, however, this is a direct perception of the body to the physiotherapeutic measure, which disappears on its own.
Billing (by health insurance company)
The invoicing of physiotherapy fees is subject to certain guidelines. All physiotherapy services in Munich are billed to the health insurance company as remedies. In most cases, our treatments are carried out according to a doctor’s prescription. This means that patients only receive a treatment cycle by prescription after a medical diagnosis. In our physiotherapy practice in Munich, we then invoice the services we provide directly to the respective cost bearer.
It is also possible – depending on the individual insurance status – to submit a personal invoice to the private health insurance company. All therapeutic measures are billed according to the catalog of remedies and services of the remedies guidelines, with each service group being assigned specific applications. More than 20 different remedies are available for physiotherapists in the directory.
However, unlike doctors, there is no standardized scale of fees. However, the pricing of individual services is subject to nationwide guidelines, which were drawn up in standardized framework agreements with the health insurance funds and define the price level.
These framework agreements differentiate and supplement the Therapeutic Products Directive. All details of physiotherapeutic treatments are described and listed here. In addition, there are special service descriptions such as indications, treatment methods and objectives, the content of which only corresponds to those services that are billed to the health insurance company. Prescription invoices are therefore strictly regulated and must meet specific requirements. If billing takes place directly with the health insurance company, both the prescribed quantity and the respective therapy method must be coordinated. In addition, there are differences in the prescribed treatment breaks or interruptions.
Background/historical information
Gymnastic and dietary educational ideals have been handed down since ancient times. Even the athletes of the ancient Olympic Games were trained to be more efficient by specially trained coaches. Health and vitality were very soon emphasized by Hippocrates and Galen through the positive physical effects of “physical exercises”. Many types of exercise were recommended, but above all this should take place regularly in the form of walking, running, dancing, playing, riding or swimming, followed by therapeutic baths and massages to achieve a relaxing and healing effect. The dietetics of the time referred to a balanced ratio of sleep and wakefulness as well as a healthy diet. These recipes did not change much until the Middle Ages, but the increasing influence of the church caused the body to fall into oblivion. It was not until humanism that the special needs of the sick became the focus of attention.
In the 18th century, the Frenchman Nicolas Andry founded what would later become orthopaedics, while the Swiss physician Jean André Venel opened the first orthopaedic clinic in the canton of Vaud in 1780. In Germany, it was Johann Christoph Friedrich Guts Muths who established pedagogical gymnastics.
Nevertheless, industrialization brought new momentum to various stages in the development of physiotherapy. Wars, emancipation and technical advances such as gymnastics and massage machines led to rapid development in the 19th century. Not least because the need for treatment also increased dramatically due to traffic accidents and accidents at work. The Lubinus schools, which were highly regarded by medical specialists, the Kneipp teachings and the return to therapeutic baths in rheumatology and for the treatment of heart and lung diseases achieved widespread acceptance. Since 1959, there has been a federal legal distinction between physiotherapy and other medical professions.