Alternative practitioner in Munich:
Body and soul in balance
Our alternative practitioner, osteopath and physiotherapist Britta Wehrs will help you with physical and mental ailments using naturopathic, folk and alternative medicine methods.
Individual and holistic treatment
Treatment in combination with osteopathy allows a “free” choice of treatment techniques, which can be individually adapted to your needs.
Techniques of our alternative practitioner
All three systems together are crucial for human health potential. In osteopathy, this holistic treatment concept is always considered together. The main areas of application depend on individual situations and aspects of the disease. The gentle manipulation of the skull addresses the body’s own processes and focuses on the head, sacrum and spinal canal as well as all its sheaths and connections. The musculoskeletal system and internal organs are also treated.
Respiratory therapy
More air is more life. We are driven by the desire to improve people’s performance, health and quality of life. Innovative applications or the conscious use of physical breathing skills – combined together, the right breathing technique helps to positively influence the mental state. Under stress and pressure, many patients tend to breathe shallowly. Only a small proportion of the lung volume is used. Respiratory therapy counteracts this lack of oxygen with the right breathing technique.
Connective tissue massage
Release tension and stimulate self-healing. This proven massage technique loosens adhesions and, as part of manual stimulation therapy, targets various application techniques on the skin, subcutaneous tissue and fascia. Tensions are balanced, the nervous system is regulated and internal organs are positively influenced. The traction stimulus on the connective tissue is intended to produce reflex effects on tissue and organs and can be used on various areas of the body. Connective tissue massages are performed around the joints and on the back.
Traditional stimulation therapy has been used for thousands of years. From a natural history point of view, cupping is one of the purging and drainage procedures. In this method, pathogenic or harmful substances are removed from the organism and, depending on the indication, applied in a bloody, bloodless or massage form. Areas in need of treatment are palpated and negative pressure is created with cupping bells. The underlying tissue pulls up, which increases blood flow and loosens the structure.
Needles can help. Acupuncture uses precisely defined body points into which fine acupuncture needles are inserted. They are located on pathways and meridians through which Qi (life energy) flows. If there are blockages in the organism, the Qi can no longer flow undisturbed and diseases develop. The treatment of these points is intended to activate self-healing powers and is used for sleep disorders, migraines or to relieve pain during childbirth. TCM uses around 400 acupuncture points to normalize the flow of energy in the body.
Electrotherapy, ultrasound, fango
In order to accelerate treatment success as effectively as possible and support healing processes, these measures are used to supplement physiotherapy. Electric current relieves pain, ultrasound generates heat and eases painful flare-ups in spinal and joint disorders. Mud packs are filled with natural healing substances and are applied to affected areas of the body. The additional applications help after operations, with muscle weakness, pain or fascia problems.
Tense muscles can irritate nerves and restrict their mobility. Typically, symptoms do not occur at the site of the cause, but where the impinged nerve takes over the supply. In most cases, the symptoms are reversible and harmless, but if not, the reduced sensation can lead to muscle weakness or paralysis. Neurodynamics supports the nerve in regaining its original mobility and making it less sensitive. The method is painless.
Lymphatic drainage
Decongestive therapy always helps when lymphatic fluid builds up in the tissue and the arms or legs swell, for example. The accumulated fluid and thus also toxins are flushed out by the massage. In addition to manual lymphatic drainage, mechanical lymphatic drainage ensures the correct stimulation of the lymphatic system. Lymphatic pants create the desired pressure and stimulate the lymph so that the metabolism can work normally again. A combination of both techniques enhances the treatment effect.
Flossing/occlusion training
Blood flow restriction training can help at a very early stage in the rehabilitation of injuries or signs of wear and tear. Muscle-building programs, cruciate ligament rehabilitation or arthrosis therapy use occlusion training just as successfully as top athletes. In addition to endurance, mobility is also increased. The use of the manual flossing tool relieves pain, accelerates recovery and reduces rehabilitation times. The flossing devices are wrapped around the affected areas of the body and use special exercises to mobilize the respective limb or body region.
Dry needling
Dry needling has been used for more than 50 years and is based on medical research results and principles. This involves inserting needles into so-called trigger points. The aim is to positively influence the flow of energy and thus treat illnesses. Dry needling is a special form of therapy using filament needles and is dedicated to trigger points in the body. This is mainly used in the fields of sports medicine and orthopaedics.
Arrange treatment from our naturopath now
You will find us in the center of Munich, directly at Sendlinger Tor Platz and can reach us Monday-Friday 07:00-20:00.