Manual therapy in Munich:
Becoming flexible again
Your practice for manual therapy in the center of Munich. Our physiotherapists help with the recovery of dysfunctional joints and the associated nerves and muscles.
ø4.8/5 rated by 78 patients on Google

Treatment method
Manual therapy focuses on a dysfunctional joint with its associated nerves and muscles. The focus is on the basics of physiology and anatomy, with the connection between the movement elements and joints at the center. The treatment uses active exercises and passive techniques. Movement-promoting measures include gentle stretching movements that are specifically guided by the therapist.
The treated limbs and joints improve their mobility, but the therapist performs rapid and powerful movements on the affected limb joints, head and jaw joints or in the area of the spine. Restricted joints often cause muscle tension and pain. In manual application, various traction techniques can also be used to apply gentle traction, which carefully separates joint surfaces from each other – resulting in a reduction in pressure. This relieves the strain on the ligaments and joint capsules and consequently relieves pain.
With the gliding technique, joint surfaces are moved parallel to each other and mobility is restored in this way. Additional manual relaxation techniques are used to gently stretch the muscles and adapt them to the newly gained joint freedom. In addition, trigger point treatments and massages as well as neural mobilization techniques enable the patient’s needs to be optimally met.
The exact selection of the right treatment method takes place in the practice. The manual therapy in Munich is based on personal feelings, so that the respective physiotherapy should not increase the pain, but rather alleviate it and at the same time improve everyday functions and mobility. Accompanying individual home programs determine the outcome and self-efficacy of the treatment progress achieved. The entire treatment spectrum of the manual healing method also optimizes the metabolism, influences pain via reflex mechanisms, relaxes surrounding muscle tissue and increases mobility.
Disease patterns
Before your personal physiotherapy is determined in our practice for manual therapy in Munich, a precise physical examination is part of the program. Particular attention is paid to balance disorders and incorrect posture in the following functional diagnostics.
- Are there blockages in various joints or the spine?
- Is there hypermobility or is movement restricted?
- Are individual muscle groups under-trained and others overloaded?
- Can important movement sequences and movements be carried out easily and without pain?
- Do persistent headaches persist?
- Are there foot problems after a torn ligament or with various tendon problems?
- Do osteoarthritis and disc problems force you to stand still?
- Does the neural system suffer from sciatic nerve and numbness?
- Does knee pain after meniscus damage or cruciate ligament injuries prevent extensive movement?
- Do you have permanent elbow problems?
- Are there any complaints in the hand, such as after fractures or the typical carpal tunnel syndrome?
- Do health problems develop after trauma or accidents?
Manual treatment is neither painful nor stressful – and there are no side effects. Many patients notice significant success after just one therapy session. This treatment concept is suitable for all diseases and complaints relating to the musculoskeletal system. In physiotherapy, both movement-promoting and movement-limiting measures (mobilization, manipulation, taping, stabilization) are carried out or medical training on equipment is recommended. Individual exercises tailored to individual needs are used to strengthen personal responsibility.
To make the reimbursement of your invoice as simple as possible, pay attention to the following differences:
- Submit your fee agreement including the final invoice to your private health insurance company.
- If you have individual insurance conditions, check the maximum amount up to which your health insurance will cover the costs of aids and remedies. If this value is 100 percent and no deductible or maximum amount has been agreed, the insurance will cover your bill in full. If you have a tariff that provides for restrictions or limits, corresponding deductions will be made.
- There is no official scale of fees for physiotherapy treatments and remedies. Therefore, the prices of our manual therapy in Munich are not subject to those of medical services.
- Medically necessary benefits are determined by a doctor’s medical decision and must be reimbursed in full. According to a BGH ruling, these costs must be covered even if a private fee note is available. In this case, a reduction in insurance costs is not permitted.
- The prices of our treatments are within the usual range. You will receive individual treatment concepts from highly qualified therapists with different aspects of training. In addition, our success and reputation clearly show that your health is in the best hands with us.
- Your health insurance does not cover the full costs? Contact the person in charge and refer to existing rulings that provide for full assumption of costs. In most cases, this claim is justified.
- Physiotherapy services are covered by the statutory health insurance funds following a doctor’s decision and are among the forms of therapy that can be prescribed (contractually defined by the Federal Committee of Doctors and Health Insurance Funds). The prescribing doctor must be a panel doctor for the prescribed form of treatment to be covered by statutory health insurance.
Background / History
Even the father of modern medicine, Hippocrates, played an important role in the early days of manual healing methods. He recognized the connections between internal diseases and the spine. Both Hippocrates and his successors had a great influence on the medical understanding of this form of treatment until well after the Middle Ages. Between 1700 and 1900, this valuable knowledge tended to be forgotten – only lay practitioners continued to use the technique. Until the Second World War, patients suffering from pain could turn to so-called “Glieddersetzer” and be treated with treadmills and traction.
In the 19th century, the surgeon A. T. Still (founder of osteopathy) developed the further foundations of manual therapy in the USA. He considers the disturbed function of the movement unit to be the cause of illness and pain. His colleague D. D. Palmer, on the other hand, followed the approach that misalignments of the joints can no longer be moved, but can be improved by central manipulation techniques – the later basis of chiropractic.
In Europe, on the other hand, James Mennell, Cyriax and Alan Stoddard – all British – set new standards in this manual treatment technique. They developed alternative joint treatments, established the relationship to the extremities, refined the therapy with translation and traction and investigated the connections between soft tissue, joint and its functions.
The foundations of these three protagonists were condensed into a therapeutic treatment system in Norway after the Second World War. To this day, manual therapeutic techniques are used to treat reversible functional disorders of the spine and the joints of the extremities. The effects of these dysfunctions then and now are restricted movement in the spine, arms and legs, head and neck pain, dizziness, impaired vision and hearing, tinnitus, sleep disorders, sweating or feelings of numbness and tingling.